Digestive Problems in Women

Women are mothers, wives, leaders in business and best friends. You try to heal, nurture and fix everyone's problems hardly leaving anytime for yourself. How you internalizes your many roles of life can have negative affect on your digestive system.

Although your brain is the head honcho of your body, your digestive tract is the central processing unit. From beginning to end, a healthy digestive tract is critical to feeling good, functioning well and avoiding some pretty serious diseases. The digestive tract is designed to take in nutrients to feed every cell of your body; it also serves as a key support system for your immune system.

When your GI tract is constantly off kilter, you run the risk of actually creating systemic (throughout your body) inflammation, which can lead to an overactive immune response, increased oxidative stress, insulin resistance and increased fat tissue deposits. Be aware of the following types of issues: (Continue reading...)

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