Flexible Mind, Flexible Body

Yoga is synonymously affiliated with being flexible.  Practicing yogis and naturally flexible people are able to contour their body into various poses that seem to be impossible for the average person.  But in reality, we all can get our bodies into most of the asanas (poses).  With practice!

Asanas being merely one aspect of yoga, allows one to see what can be done in the physical can also be done in the mental.  However, it’s in the mental where we can first see what we can do.  And what we cannot do!

You’re as flexible as your mind allows you to be.  When a person who has never practiced or new to yoga states that they are not flexible, they have just revealed something about themselves.  And it’s not the mere statement of their body’s limits, but the perceived limits they have for their mental body, extending into other areas of their lives.

Thoughts of our flexibility in our body only reflect the way we are flexible in our life. The state of flexibility in our mind allows us the ability to maneuver and adjust to the many events that life brings.  We see how adaptable we are to the changes that occur and our recovery time to stabilize. 

A feeling of inflexibility is a good reason to incorporate a yoga practice into your daily routine.  It will assist in the discovery of your flexible body, but more important your flexible mind limits.  We need to be pliable and fluid to remain centered and balance to any of our life altering events.  A yoga practice will assist in giving your confidence in your flexibility in your body and in all the other areas of your life.

Liv Your Truth!

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