Creative Management

Your creative juices have begun to flow.  Watch out because a flood of thoughts and ideas are rushing through your brain.  You may have started a project and needed ideas to help you along the way to see that project through. 

Then another great idea comes along that may not look like it has any relatedness to the project you are trying to complete.  But your creative juices have been so slow to flow for so long that you feel the need to take on another project.  Ideas are flowing for that project.  You are and overflowing source of creative lava. 

Project number 2 is now getting all of your creative attention.  You begin to neglect project 1.  You recognize the neglect and decide you can manage both.  Just then, creative thought produces ideas for your best project yet! 

Project number 3 is born.  Because it is your best thought ever, you become solely consumed.  You are experiencing creativity begetting creativity begetting creativity. 

This can be a wonderful time as your creative juices are on fire.  You are inspired!  You are highly productive.

Completing all your creative endeavors may become challenging in the mist of it all.   They each have a place in your heart and in this world where you feel will be beneficial.  They are all important.

Take a step back and breathe!

Managing your creativity is a process that will allow you to utilize your creative abundance experience in a manner that will work for you.  You need to begin with the following steps:
·         Organize your current projects.  Identify the need base for the project.  Categorize and place your efforts to the one that will bring the most benefit of service.
·         Write down other ideas that come to mind.  Jot down notes as other ideas for those projects come to mind.  This will assist you in capturing the idea and its creative path without overloading yourself with more projects you can handle at the present time.
·         Overlap each project.  Identify where you can use the simultaneously in conjunction with one another.  For example: I teach yoga and I have new interest in expressing myself through painting, my first pictures are of yoga poses.

There’s no reason why creativity should go to waste.  We just need ways to manage our creativity to produce the results we want.  Liv Your Truth!

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