Living Life by Your Rules

Bending the rules always seem much more fun than living by them. So why are we always taught that you have to live by these make believed rules in order to succeed? For instance, you know if you don’t get a college degree, you will never get a job…thanks Bill Gates for dropping out of college and proving that point right! Mr. Richie Rich, didn’t get the job, he created it.

No w being the richest in the world doesn’t have to be the goal, but living life by your rules should be.

There are a lot of rules that have already been created for us. And by the way, I’m definitely down with not texting while driving, as I did have a car accident because of this, but I’m not down with there is only this one straight and narrow course to reach the goal. The straight and narrow is usually coupled with hard work pays off or you have to wait until you retire to finally get that corvette you’ve wanted since you were 16.

Who wants to wait or work hard?

Living life by your rules and getting what you want now:
• Pick your goal
• Stick with the goal and don’t sway
• Don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t
• Live your life like you already accomplished the goal
And if all else fails, make Snooky from Jersey Shore your role model. If she can, so can you. Live your truth!

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