Creating Your Picture

I know a young lady who is bright, funny and charismatic. Her conversation says that she is a secure, take charge, no non-sense type of woman. She is wise beyond her 24 years of age, yet she is totally frustrated with her personal and professional life.

Living in the Shadows of her older brother, 15 years her senior, she is having a hard time living her truth. While she was a dynamic athlete in high school, she struggled with gaining the attention and approval of her older brother/father figure of her life. She couldn’t understand why the success he was experiencing, which helped to financially provide for their family, had to get in the way of the love she wanted from.

From a young age, she has always seen her male role model in business for himself. He was a barber owning barbershop, then owning clothing boutiques and cleaners, to restaurants. He is black belt in martial arts, accomplished painter and saxophonist. He showed her everything was possible to be in this life.

Possibilities became impossible for the for this young lady to achieve. He encourage her work ethic by having her work in all the business he has ever had. She has firsthand knowledge of success and failure of how to run and operate a variety of businesses in various industries. And yet because none of these business ideas were of her own accord, she never bonded with them.

She only showed up because it was easy. She didn’t have to work at getting in the door, the door was open for her. No matter how many times she messed up, it was due to her youth and relationship that they were always overlooked.

Creating her own picture is something she has never had to do. Therefore, at the young age of 24, she has no idea of what she likes, except for the pictures her brother created for his life. Now while there is nothing wrong with entering the family business, if it’s not what you really want to do with your life, it becomes a serious problem.

Being frustrated with her life has causes many issues within her personal and professional relationships. Yet she seems to be very afraid of creating a life that she wants to live for herself. She is afraid of walking out from the known to the unknown.
Taking simple steps like writing down what she enjoys would help her see a clearer picture of what brings her joy. Acting on at least one thing that she enjoys would give her confidence that she is good at something she has created in her space. Acting on other joy fulfilling things, one at a time, would begin to bring into existence the type of life she wishes to create for herself, instead of living in the pictures her brother created for himself.

Stepping into the picture of our own creation is sometimes very challenging. But if we work at it little by little, we grow into the picture with little effort. Begin your journey today. Liv your truth!

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