Steps to Cool Down during Pitta Season

July begins the start of the Pitta season according to Ayurvedic Science, the science of life and sister science to Yoga. The Pitta season represents the fire element. Fire is hot, bright and sharp.

We want to pacify the Pitta season by adjusting our lifestyles to the intensity this season brings.  Adding foods and activities that are cooling to our summer routine can help us work with the heat instead of against it. Thus allowing us to enjoy all the fun and benefits this season brings.

Steps to cool down the intensity of the Pitta season:
  1.  Drink lots of water (preferably room temperature)
  2. Eat cooling foods such as sweet fruit, bitter vegetables and grains
  3. Water activities like swimming, surfing, sailing or simply sitting by the water

Living in accordance with nature can help bring full support and healing power of nature that underlies the growth and development of all living things. (Continue Reading)

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