The healing powers of yoga for men

Men Wayne Leal has developed something called 20:21 – 20 minutes of yoga for 21 days to complement your usual gym sessions.

‘Men have this fixation that yoga is for women,’ says Leal. ‘If they knew it was originally created by men for men, I’m sure more of them would do it. If they knew about the actual discipline, the focus and the strength that’s involved to do these particular postures, they would understand there’s so much more to gain than just being able to twist yourself into a pretzel.’

‘If you do anything for 21 days you’ll see a change,’ says Leal. ‘But the exercise isn’t the only training, it’s about how you feel about yourself. It should encourage you to want to continue because you have created a daily habit. I’m not expecting you to do it every day for the rest of your life, but it’s created a good, healthy habit.’


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