Living Life on Your Terms

Today I received an email from a former Yoga Teacher Trainee (YTT) classmate. It was a goodbye email to his colleagues, friends and family announcing his last day of work at the fitness club he was a facilities manager. He had just completed getting his Master’s Degree in Engineering, so of course the thought was he got some new fabulous job.

Living Life on Your Terms
Instead of this new job in the same field, his announcement was he was leaving his current job to pursue his dream of becoming a chiropractor. What??!!! first thought. He didn’t mention that during YTT. My second thought, YTT changed us. Changed us from what life has been for us to creating the possibilities of what life could be for us living life on our own terms.

I am so excited for my dear friend! I wish him all the best in his new endeavor. He was such an amazing yoga teacher trainee. So I know he is going to be an amazing chiropractor.

Purpose of Your Being
There’s a voice inside of all of us that talks all the time. There’s also a feeling we feel that creates an interest, attraction or desire inside of us. We may hear the voice or feel the feeling calling us to the purpose for our being.

Some of us pay attention to it and some of never give in. Our purpose for being is simply that, our purpose for being! And our purpose for being is to express something of ourselves that will deliver more happiness and joy to others, but especially to ourselves.

Joy & Happiness
Three words sum joy & happiness all up, be, do and have. We have to be the dream we want for ourselves. Being it will help us do whatever it takes to create the unmanifested to the manifested. And finally the have. We want to have it all, money, fame, but most of all we want the happiness and freedom that living life on our terms can bring. Liv your truth!

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