Expert of My Day

There are many things that we have the ability to become experts in money matter, tennis, knitting, you name it. Some experts say it can take 10,000 hours or 10 years to become an expert in your desired field of interest. That’s a lot of time, I’m just saying.

Becoming an expert can apparently take a lot of time. So where do we find this time to dedicate to becoming an expert in your noted interested? This is where time management comes in to play.

You have a day job, but you really want to be an artist (jewelry, painter, writing, musician, etc). How do you make this work when there is a laundry list of exercise, eat well, work, pick up kids, homework, pay bills, make money, clean up, make dinner, friends/family social time and blah, blah, blah? At the end of that one can feel like there is no hope for them to take on an additional project to invest into the 10,000 hours to become an expert.

So don’t become an expert in your field of interest, become an expert in managing your day. Given a routine in any one’s day, work, eat, sleep, there is always the unexpected that creeps up into our day. Your day can’t be controlled due to the unexpected, but maybe you can step out in front of it to beat it, before it beats you.

Finding some time in our day that’s quiet, for me, it’s the early morning. No one I know, well one person, is up and I don’t have to worry about anyone or anything interrupting my time. If I wait until after 8am or 9am, people are stirring and the unexpected has become the expected.

Managing my day is committing to creating the time to actively practice my area of interest (writing and wellness), I make it part of my lifestyle. If I don’t commit to it, it won’t commit to me. Then I schedule the rest of my obligations around my areas of interest to fulfill to the best of my ability.

Committing to your area of interest may require you to actively practice it for only 1 hour or it may be more. Whichever the case, I know it may sound silly to reschedule your entire day around an hour, but to transform to what you want to be isn’t. Liv your truth!

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